Hide/show bands groups:
D2O : in plane base vibration, sensitive to base pairing and base stacking
H2O : base-sugar, sensitive to glycosidic bond rotation, backbone conformation and sugar puckering
H2O/D2O : sugar-phosphate vibrations, sensitive to backbone conformation
H2O/D2O : sugar vibrations, sensitive to sugar conformations
H-O-H bending mode
H-O-D bending mode
D-O-D bending mode
Experiment Name dT15_D2O_85
Type DNA
Low Wavenumber 700
High Wavenumber 1800
Interval 0.2
Frequency resolution 1 cm-1
Estimated Strand's concentration 30.86 mM
concentration was estimated based on the Beer-Lambert's law using formula C = OD/(ε x pathlength). ε was estimated with the help of OligoSpec Calculator
Pathlength 5-10 µm
Optical Density 3.5
Solvent D2O
Solvent Comment solution
Added Salt no
Mol. Weight 4501
Mol. Weight Ratio 300.06
Cell IdZnSe
Temperature Comment The experiment was carried out around 85°
Noisy not
Sequence Modified no
Specific Experiment Conditions pH around 7
Expected Structure Unknown
Reference DOI:10.1002/0470027320.s8204  DOI:10.1093/nar/gkx140 

Predicted Tertiary Structure

Model generated with None.


Modified residues are showcased with the use of Modomics RNAMods code. "&" symbol means that there are mulitple separate chains.


Expected structure is Our interpretation; however, it is possible that there may be mistakes in the interpretation of spectra. In cases where we are uncertain, we have labeled the results as "possible".
The spectra were acquired under specific experimental conditions, meaning the structures are dynamic. As a result, the structures we have obtained may not be the same under different experimental conditions.

Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Ratio was calculated using OligoCalc.


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