Experiment Name | polydGC_H2O |
Type | DNA |
Subtype | dsDNA |
Low Wavenumber | 700 |
High Wavenumber | 1800 |
Interval | 0.2 |
Frequency resolution | 1 cm-1 |
Estimated Strand's concentration | 10.20 mM concentration was estimated based on the Beer-Lambert's law using formula C = OD/(ε x pathlength). ε was estimated with the help of OligoSpec Calculator |
Pathlength | 5-10 µm |
Optical Density | 3.5 |
Solvent | H2O |
Solvent Comment | solution |
Added Salt | no |
Mol. Weight | Unknown |
Mol. Weight Ratio | Unknown |
Cell Id | ZnSe |
Units | DO,cm-1 |
Temperature | 25 |
Temperature Comment | It is the ambient temperature of the room, so around 25° |
Noisy | not |
Sequence Modified | no |
Specific Experiment Conditions | pH around 7 |
Expected Structure | B-form, dG anti |
Reference | DOI:10.1139/v85-315  |
Predicted Tertiary Structure
Tertiary Structure present in RCSB PDB
This is a computationally predicted 3D structure provided for illustrative purposes only and to aid in the interpretation of FTIR spectra. This model was generated independently of the FTIR spectrum and may not fully represent the actual structure analyzed in the corresponding FTIR experiment.
GCGCGCGCGC&GCGCGCGCGCModified residues are showcased with the use of Modomics RNAMods code. "&" symbol means that there are mulitple separate chains.
Expected structure is Our interpretation; however, it is possible that there may be mistakes in the interpretation of spectra. In cases where we are uncertain, we have labeled the results as "possible".
The spectra were acquired under specific experimental conditions, meaning the structures are dynamic. As a result, the structures we have obtained may not be the same under different experimental conditions.
Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Ratio was calculated using OligoCalc.
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