Raman spectra of poly(dG)•poly(dC) have been observed in aqueous solutions at various ionic strengths, [NaCl] = 0. 03 to 4 M, and at different temperatures, 10 to 60°C. At 30°C, and at [NaCl] = 0.03 M, it was found to have a B-form (with O4, endo-anti guanosine and C2’ endo-anti cytidine), whereas, at [NaCl] = 4 M, an A form (with C3’ endo-antl guanosine and C3’ endo-anti cytidine). At 30°C and [NaCl] = 1 M, namely at an intermediate state, a fraction of this molecules was considered to have a "heteronomous A" form (with O4’ endo-anti guanosine and C3’ endo-anti cytidine). At 60 °C and [NaCl] = 1 M, It assumes the B form, and at 10 °C and [NaCl] = 1 M, the A form. Cytoslne-5-methylation was found to cause a marked stabilization of the A form. Even at [NaCl] = 0.1 M (at 30 °C), a substantial portion of poly(dG) -poly(dm5C) was found to have a heteronomous form, In which the dG atrand is in the B form and the dC an A form; It never assumes a complete B form.