Interaction of transition metal ions with Z form poly d(A-C).polyd(G-T) and polyd(A-T) studied by I.R. spectroscopy

Overview of Adam S. et al.

AuthorsAdam S., Bourtayre P., Liquier J., Taillandier E.
AffiliationLaboratoire de Spectroscopie Biomoléculaire, UFR de médecine, 74, Rue Marcel Cachin, F93012 Bobigny Cedex, France  
JournalNucleic Acids Research
Year 1986


Interactions between Ni2+, Co2+ and purine bases have been studied by I.R. spectroscopy in the case of double stranded regularly alternating purine-pyrimidine polynucleotides poly d(A-T),poly d(A-C).poy d(G-T) and DOly d(G-C). The spectra of polynuc1eotide films have been recorded in hydration and salt content conditions which correspond to the obtention of the classical right-handed (A,B) and left-handed (Z) helical conformations. Selective, deuteration of the 8C site of purines has been obtained and is used to detect interactions between the transition metal ions and the adenine or guanine bases. The spectral region between 1500 and 1250 cm-1 corresponding to base in-plane vibrations and involving also the glycosidic linkage torsion is discussed in detail. The selective interaction between the transition metal ion and the 7N site of the purine base is considered to be partly responsible for the stabilization of the base in a syn conformation, which favours the adoption by the polynucleotide (poly d(G-C), poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) or poly d(A-T)) of a 2 type conformation.